Saturday 19 March 2011

Measures To Guarantee Privacy Of Information Online

By Leona Dozen

Anonymous web surfing is a thing of the past, since now it is very simple to get access to anyone's private information within no time at all. However, there is some hope for private browsing in today's world, with the help of anonymous browsing techniques.

Staying private while on the internet helps you to stay anonymous. It is very easy for tracking sites to get you online habits and then use them to send you endless junk mails and at times, harmful content. Your information may be sold to the wrong people too. With anonymous surfing, the tension is reduced to quite an extent.

Anonymous browsing will let you surf the web, without your IP address being displayed, in fact, what would be shown publicly would be your proxy server's address, making it hard for the companies to track you down. Your personal information would thus be kept private.

A lot proxy sites are there, which allow you to gain access to the internet without letting anyone know about you. This option is also there in a couple of web browsers; however, it is not that effective.

You can adopt a number of other ways, to do the same, like deleting your web history, along with any cookies from the sites that you visited and other cache files. This will remove all possible traces that you have left behind while browsing the web.

You can be kept safe from being attacked and tracked. Tracking is done, when your information is taken out by the companies, through your IP address, etc.

After tracking, you are attacked by hackers, who try to get your personal files and information. There are certain area wise restrictions making it compulsory for anonymous browsing.

Therefore, what makes anonymous browsing the choice of a lot of people is the fact that helps you stay protected while you spend time online.

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